President Trump effectively demands soldiers stationed abroad be excluded from voting in Florida midterms
What a way to honor the nation’s men and women in uniform.
As the rest of the country observed Veterans Day, President Trump on Monday demanded that election officials stop counting votes in Florida’s razor-thin midterms and instead “go with” the Election Day results — a proposal that would effectively exclude active duty U.S. soldiers from having their voices heard.
“The Florida Election should be called in favor of Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis in that large numbers of new ballots showed up out of nowhere, and many ballots are missing or forged,” Trump tweeted shortly after dawn, without providing any evidence. “An honest vote count is no longer possible — ballots massively infected. Must go with Election Night!”
The Sunshine State accepts ballots cast overseas through Nov. 16, provided that they were postmarked by Nov. 6. The exception is tailored to accommodate voters living overseas — particularly members of the U.S. armed forces who are stationed abroad.
Trump’s indirect knock against American soldiers came as schools, banks, courts and government offices remained closed in honor of Veterans Day. It also came less than 48 hours after Trump canceled a visit to a U.S. World War I cemetery in Paris because it was raining.
Jon Soltz, an Iraq War veteran and the chairman of the left-leaning VoteVets advocacy group, was incensed by Trump’s latest slight against service members.
“How many times does this guy have to show he doesn’t respect men and women who served?” Soltz told the Daily News. “From insulting POWs, to sending troops to the border for an election stunt, to dissing a Veteran’s Day ceremony because of rain, and now to saying military ballots shouldn’t be counted, Donald Trump continually shows he has no respect for service, or those who served.”